Geistown Borough Office Hours:
9:00am - 12:00pm & 12:30pm - 4:00pm
Meeting Information
Borough Council: Meetings are held at the Geistown municipal building, the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6 pm and may also be held the 4th Monday of each month at 6pm, (as needed).
Planning Commission: Meetings are held at the Geistown municipal building, the 4th Thursday of each month at 6 pm (as needed)
Highland Sewer and Water Authority: Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 4 pm at Highland Sewer & Water located at 120 Tank Drive, Johnstown, PA 15904.
Meeting Minutes can be found here.
Minutes are posted in the following month. This is to allow official minutes to be approved by Borough Council before posting.
A full list of ordinances can be found by clicking here.
If you wish to see the full text of an ordinance, please reach out to the Borough Office during business hours.
MS4 Stormwater Management Program
In compliance with DEP and EPA regulations, the Borough of Geistown is commencing the first phase of development of its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), NPDES Phase II Storm water Management Program. In accordance with DEP and EPA guidelines, Geistown will be developing and implementing this storm water management program in phases over the next five years. The program will involve, among other things, the development of public education and involvement activities, the review and update of the Borough’s storm water management rules and regulations, the detection and elimination of illicit discharges, and the review and improvement of storm water facility operations and maintenance practices.
This page will be used to provide news, information and storm water management data to residents, businesses, contractors and developers as the program is developed. The Borough will also be seeking assistance of the public to participate in storm water management activities such as storm inlet labeling, storm water outfall monitoring, sample collection, and information workshops. Please watch this page for future developments.
If you wish to find out more about the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Management Program, or storm water in general, you may wish to visit one of the following web sites:
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Web Page (Enter "storm water" in the keyword search box)
US EPA Storm water Publications and Studies
Your lawn can be easier and cheaper to maintain by mowing high. The roots of your lawn grow as deep as the grass is tall, so higher grass has longer healthier roots. Keeping your lawn 3 inches high or higher and only mowing 1/3 of the blade each time you mow creates a healthy lawn. A healthy lawn tolerates dry, hot weather better. This way you won’t need to spend your summer fertilizing and watering your lawn.
Leaves – never rake into or near storm sewers. Leaves and grass clippings are good fertilizer for your lawn. Mulch leaves and grass clippings into your lawn. Participate in community composting programs. Or start a backyard compost pile.
Household hazardous waste – put is where it belongs – not down the drain, in the trash or on the ground. Call the county recycling office for guidance on household hazardous waste disposal.
Rain washes pet waste and bacteria into our storm drains. Dispose of properly, preferable in the toilet.
Leaking gasoline or oil from your automobile washes from streets, driveways, parking lots into storm drains and rivers. Fix leaks, be careful when getting gas, and don’t pour the old oil from oil changes onto gravels roads or driveways.
When fertilizing your lawn, excess fertilizer will be washed off during rain storms and go directly to our community’s storm sewer system and then to the Stony Creek. This causes algae growth and which uses up the oxygen that fish need to survive. Please follow directions and don’t over fertilize.
When washing your car at home, remember all the dirt washes down the driveway to our storm drains. This dirt is pollution. Avoid this by washing cars on gravel or grass or better yet – use a commercial car wash where the water is recycled and gets treated.