ZONING OFFICER - Rick Truscello is the Borough Zoning Officer. He can be contacted through the Borough Office, and he maintains office hours, as noted on the Main Page.
ZONING AND LAND USE Geistown Borough has had ordinances impacting zoning and land use since 1968, with Ordinance #541 being the current zoning ordinance. This Ordinance is accessible under the Zoning Tab on this website. Hard copies and/or excerpts may be purchased at the Borough Office. There are Pennsylvania and federal laws and court decisions that are rendered from time to time that may impact and even supersede Borough ordinances. The current Ordinance has been crafted to account for these laws and decisions that were in effect at the time of passage as of April 2022.
Generally, the purpose of zoning is to promote and protect public health, safety, morals, and general welfare; provide for proper population density; to encourage the best and most appropriate use of land and structures and to provide for low intensity residential, commercial and service uses, given the compact size and development patterns of the Borough.
Zoning Districts – The following are the districts regulated under Ordinance #541:
R1 – Single Family Residential District – further divided into R-1A, R-1B and R-1C sub-districts differing only in front yard setbacks
R2 – Two Family Residential District – further divided into R-2A, R-2B and R-2C sub-districts differing only in front yard setbacks
C - Commercial District
C/M – Commercial/Light Manufacturing District
Floodplain Overlay District – overlays and provides certain controls over portions of several underlying conventional districts
Airport Zoning Overlay District– overlays and provides certain controls over portions of several underlying conventional districts
Map and Other Requirements An official zoning map that highlights these districts is displayed in the Borough Office, and may be viewed during regular business hours. An informational copy also may be viewed on the Zoning Tab of this website, but official zoning determinations are made by the Zoning Officer as per the Official Zoning Map. While the districts are somewhat self-explanatory, Ordinance #541 details all the restrictions and qualifications that are applicable in a particular district and the appropriate uses relative to each district. Requirements, such as minimum lot sizes, building setbacks for fronts, rear and side yards, are also detailed in Ordinance #541, as are applicable special and/or supplemental requirements (i.e. signage, parking, fences/walls, swimming pools, etc.).
No building or land shall be used or occupied and no building or part thereof shall be erected, moved, or altered unless in conformity with the regulations for the district in which it is located, and then only after applying for and securing all building, occupancy, and any other permits and license required by all laws and ordinances of the Borough of Geistown.